
    1. EP contracts: engineering, procurement
    2. Engineering
      Front-end engineering design and systems integration
      Vibration testing and analysis
      Performance testing
      Rotor dynamics (lateral and torsional)
      Finite-element stress and structural dynamic analysis (FEA)
      Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
      Re-rates and upgrades
      Specifications and bids review
      Flexible design to customer specifications
      Sophisticated three-dimensional (3D) modeling
      Advanced product/prototype development
      CNC machining services
    3. Field service
      Field Inspection and Evaluation
      Maintenance and Turnarounds
    4. Technical support
      Root cause analysis
      New design and re-engineering
      Testing and Inspection
    5. Upgrades and Refurbishment
      Instrumentation/control system upgrades
      Standalone units to full skid designs
      Bearing system upgrades or conversion from oil bearing to active magnetic bearings
      Skid package refurbishment
    6. Repairs/Redesign/Retrofit
      Spare parts to full skid installation
    7. Testing
    8. Turnaround services
    9. Training: In-house and on-site
    10. Warranty and maintenance work